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Full SSCM Course – Four Options

Have it your way! To make it as easy for you as possible, you are able to purchase the School of Supernatural Children’s Ministry four different ways:
1) The full set on DVD. This is best if you are going to be taking your church team through the training because the resolution is better when watching on a large video screen, 2) The full set in MP4s. This is perfect if you want to watch on your computer or a mobile device. It is not good enough quality to watch on large screen format. 3) The full course online. For sake of speed and convenience, and a lower price, take the full course online! The advantage is your enrollment fee is included in the price, and all tests are automatically graded at the time you complete them. You get your grade immediately without having to wait for an SSCM tutor grade your tests and send them back to you. 4) One lesson at a time if you are on a tight budget and can’t afford the whole set at once. Download one MP4 at a time as you can afford it.


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