Teacher: Becky Fischer
The protection of our children and teens in churches and other ministries should be a top priority. In this day where our cultures increasingly normalize immorality, it becomes more complicated. In this session, you will learn what you need to do to set up protection in your church building or facility, how to vet new volunteers and workers, where to go to learn about the importance of check-in systems, mandated reporting. We will discuss sensitive issues like what to do when a known sex-offender starts attending your church. And we conclude with a discussion of some of the signs of and symptoms of child abuse of all kinds.
Even if you are the only one on your ministry team who is taking this course, you need to make sure your entire team watches this video. Permission is granted to use the MP4 download to share with your team.
Keep in mind this is a huge topic, and all we have had time to do in this short session is bring up the various issues you need to know about. But it is then up to do to seek out other resources and agencies that can give you more thorough information and help train your team.
MP4 Video Download – $4.95
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