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I Can Heal the Sick in Jesus’ Name!


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When you teach I Can Heal the Sick, brace yourself for a breakout of the supernatural in your children as !

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Children are famous for their simple faith. Therefore, childhood is the perfect time to teach them about the biblical principles of healing the sick. Jesus never put any age restrictions on who could or couldn’t do this. He simply said, “Whoever believes will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” (Mark 16:17-18) Since children are naturals at believing for miracles, they are perfect candidates for learning how to pray for the impossible. It’s something kids want to experience for themselves.

What’s in I Can Heal the Sick Curriculum?

In these lessons simple lessons, children will learn everything from laying on of hands, anointing the sick with oil, the role of the shed blood of Jesus for the healing of our bodies, and so much more. Teachers constantly tell us they learn just as much as the children do teaching this series. So brace yourself for a breakout of the supernatural in your children!

Hundreds of testimonies come into our office about children healing the sick. This story came from Africa. During a day of prayer and fasting in a church, a boy got a vision of a village. From his description, the pastor recognized the village. They went, and the boy confirmed this was the village. A man was sick in the house, the leader described how they could smell death and sores were growing on the man.

The child prayed for the man, who said he was better, but the child wanted him to stand and declare he was healed in Jesus name. The man was weak, so the leaders told him to sit again. But the next day they found the man sitting in the village completely healed!! The man had stopped work because of the sickness, he is now back at work!

After one of the meetings at the same conference, a family with two boys, thirteen and nine, had gotten home late one night. Their family had been making meals for our team each evening, and so they always had a lot of cleaning up to do after the services. Tired and careless, the younger boy Andrew got out of the car without thinking and slammed his brother’s fingers in the car door.

Alex immediately began screaming, and Andrew and their mom quickly ran to his aid. But when they opened the door, Alex, in severe pain, began rolling around on the ground holding his hand.

“Come on! We have to pray for him, Andrew!” their mom shouted, and she and Andrew ran to his side. Andrew immediately laid his hands on Alex and screamed, “Pain, go NOW in the name of Jesus!” just like Tim had taught them in one of the sessions.

Instantly Alex stopped rolling around and sat up. He looked at his hands and began flexing his fingers. Every ounce of pain was totally gone, and when he testified at the meetings the next day, there was absolutely no sign of the accident—no black and blue marks, no stiffness, no missing fingernails—nothing. He was completely healed!

Some churches have gone as far as having children’s healing teams, incorporating them with the adult healing teams. Some have taken children to hospitals and nursing homes occasionally to pray for the patients. If you are in the habit of doing evangelistic outreaches with your kids, you need to seriously consider allowing them to do prophetic ministry and heal the sick in those meetings.

As you train your children to heal the sick through teaching this curriculum, perhaps your pastor will allow your children some opportunities to pray for the sick after some of the regular Sunday morning services. You just need to make sure you’ve done your part by equipping them properly so they take it seriously and know exactly what’s expected of them when they stand in front of the adults. If they are not adequately prepared for the occasion, you may lose credibility with your leaders and never get another chance.

Kids today are not satisfied to know that Jesus healed the sick or that grown-ups can do it. They want to experience it for themselves!

Written by Becky Fischer
Thirteen Lessons, 182 pages

(Formerly titled Jesus Our Healer)

What Makes KIMI Curriculums so Unique? 

These thirteen meaty lessons will lay an excellent foundation in your children for what the Bible has to say about healing the sick. It includes excellent understanding of what faith really is. This series will ground them solidly on the word so they are well equipped to step out boldly to see God work miracles in their lives. Children are drawn to the supernatural like a moth is drawn to the light. Take advantage of that natural interest and hunger and teach them the Bible way to heal the sick.

What’s Included in I Can Heal the Sick:

  • 13 dynamic lessons
  • 9 skits for either drama or puppetry
  • 13 Power Verses & Discussions
  • Multiple Objects Lessons Per Lesson
  • 15 Review Questions for each lesson
  • Scripture Contest for each Lesson
  • 13 Time with God


Lesson Titles:

  • The Great Physician
  • Where Does Sickness Come From?
  • By His Stripes We Are Healed
  • To You I Give the Power
  • Expect a Miracle
  • The Gift of Faith
  • Healings or Miracles?
  • What It Really Means to Believe
  • The Secret to Jesus’ Healing Ministry
  • Bible Patterns for Healing the Sick
  • There Is No Formula
  • Beliefs that Rob Us of Healing
  • Don’t Give Up!



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