Our lives are the sum total of the decisions we have made, both good and bad, from childhood till now. Poor decision-making has ruined and stifled millions of lives, including true Christians. This book teaches the reader the basics of how to hear God’s voice, which is the foundation of making good decisions. Much of this book is based on our KIMI kids ministry curriculum called Hearing God’s Voice but upgraded for adults.
But the exciting truth is once we, and our children, learn how to hear God’s voice, and be led by His Spirit, it is then also the basis for operating in the Gifts of the Spirit. In this book, Becky shares many Bible examples of hearing God’s voice and what it looked like when the gifts of the Spirit were in operation in the New and Old Testaments. She includes true experiences from her own life, but she also loads it with real-life testimonies and examples from years of ministry of what it looks like when children are taught how to hear God’s voice and operate in the Gifts.
If kids can do it, so can adults! What would our lives look like, if, from this moment on, we made a pledge in our hearts to never make a decision without knowing God’s direction? If we learn to only base our decisions on what we hear from the Spirit of God, and only move when He tells us to move, it would be a game changer for most of us.
Chapter Topics:
1. Created in God’s Image
2. God’s Voice is not Always a Voice
3. The Supernatural Power of Tongues
4. Your Conscience: The Voice of Your Human Spirit
5. The Bible & Worldviews
6. Operating in the Prophetic
7. The Power Gifts
8. The Word of God Speaks
9. Dreams & Visions
10. Tips, Guidelines & Cautions to Operating in the Prophetic
11. Decision Making by the Spirit
Paperback $12.99
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